Responsible Bidder Ordinances
A Responsible Bidder Ordinance (RBO) is a local public policy that ensures responsible contractors win public bids. An RBO sets minimum requirements for all contractors bidding on taxpayer-funded projects based on objective criteria and verifiable standards. An RBO is a protection plan for taxpayers, ensuring that local quality standards, local levels of craftsmanship, and local economic development practices are upheld.
In many communities, RBOs have become an option for areas that want to promote high construction standards. For example, in Indiana, counties, townships, cities, towns, school districts, and hospital districts have all passed RBOs. In fact, as of 2021, Indiana over 50 local RBOs.
RBOs have been proven to promote local construction standards. RBOs help improve productivity and infrastructure safety for local communities, reduce turnover costs for contractors, and improve wages for construction workers. Local communities should pass Responsible Bidder Ordinances to provide the best value for taxpayers.